Sugar g 200-300
Water g 1000
This recipe can be varied according to bakers necessity.
Disperse SOVRANA MILK in sugar, add a small amount of water and mix strongly to avoid lumping; add the remaining water and bring to boil stirring continously. Cool quickly and keep in refrigeretor. The coustard cream can be flavoured while still warm by addition of MORELLINA, NOCCIOLATA, PASTA NOCCIOLA, and so on; dosages should be between 150 and 200 g per 1000 g of cream. A custard cream with richer taste can be obtained adding eggs to the basic recipe: they have to be mixed with SOVRANA MILK, sugar and milk at the beginning. An axcellent chantilly filling is made by mixing equal amounts of cold custard cream and whipped dairy cream.
Important: custard cream must be kept in refrigeretor and has limited durability. Bowls and tools must be always perfectly clean. It is advisable to use automatic custard cream baking machines which allow the quick cooling.