BABET NEW_____________ g 400
boiling water_________ g 1000
To obtain a custard cream with richer flavour and taste it is possible to use milk instead of water:
BABET NEW_____________ g 350-400
boiling milk__________ g 1000
* bring water (or milk) to boil
* add BABET NEW and mix rapidly with a whisk for a few seconds; the cream must have a dense smooth consistency.
* remove from heat source and let cool
Note: to have a firmer consistency it may be necessary to stir the cream a few seconds longer over the heat source.
The recipe can be modified according to the type of machine used:
BABET NEW_____ 10 kg
water_________ 10 kg
milk__________ 25 kg
sugar_________ 2 kg
A cream with richer taste can be obtained with the addition of
egg yolk_____ 2 kg
butter_______ 2 kg