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Easy and quick bread mix, the ideal to make bread and focaccia with potato flakes. The properties of potatoes allow end products to keep fresh, fragrant and soft, even for a few days.

Product details

COD 01080095


PAT-DOR_________________________ kg 10
water___________________________ kg 5.5-6
yeast___________________________ g 300
olive oil_______________________ g 400
mixing time (spiral kneaders): 4 minutes on first speed and another 8-10 minutes on second speed
temperature of the dough: 26-27°C
first speckiness: 15 minutes at 24°C
second speckiness: 10-15 minutes at 24°C
rising: 40 minutes at 28-30°C with relative moisture of 80%.
baking: 30-35 minutes at about 230°C
Temperatures and times above indicated can be varied according to the actual room temperature. Calculate the temperature of the water in recipe by substracting room and PAT-DOR temperatures from the guide number.
MIXING TIME: Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic; considering the high percentage of dried potato (therefore glutenless) pay attention not to overmix the dough.
RESTING TIME: let the mix rest for 15 minutes at 20°C, then roll out the dough to 1 cm approx thickness on an oiled pan.
SECOND SPECKINESS: 10-15 minutes on pan at 24°C.
LEVELLING AND RISING: oil the surface, press with fingers and then cover with table salt.
LEAVENING: put in rising room for about 40 minutes.
BAKING: 30 minutes approx at 230°C.
PAT-DOR__________________________ kg 8
water____________________________ kg 5.5-6
'strong' flour___________________ kg 2
yeast____________________________ g 300
olive oil________________________ g 400
mixing time (spiral kneaders): 4 minutes on first speed and another 8-10 minutes on second speed
speckiness: 10-15 minutes at 24°C
breaking: pieces of 300 g or 70 g
dough molding
leavening: 40-50 minutes
baking: 40 minutes at 220°C for pieces of 300 g
20 minutes at 220°C for pieces of 70 g
Temperatures and times above indicated can be varied according to the actual room temperature. Calculate the temperature of the water in recipe by substracting room and PAT DOR temperatures from the guide number.
MIXING TIME: the mixing time refers to spiral kneaders; for different types it is necessary longer time. In any case reach an elastic dough.
Considering the high percentage of dried potato (therefore glutenless) pay attention not to overmix the dough.
SPECKINESS: let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes at 24°C.
BREAKING: divide the dough in the desired pieces, roll up with round or long loaf shape then let leaven on boards with flour.
BAKING: following the a.m. times we suggest to open the valve when the baking is near to end, so as to allow the bread to well dry up.

Allergens / Contaminations


  • Cereals
  • Milk


  • Soybeans
  • Sesame
  • Sesame
  • Sulphur

Technical Denomination

semifinished product for focaccia and bread with potatoes