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Concentrate improver made from malted cereal fluour, enzymes and ascorbic acid, perfect to make bread, pizza, focaccia, breadsticks and pastry leavened products (croissant, brioches, krapfens). TARGET will help you out by balancing up the differences in elasticity of different types of flours one can use. It allows higher flexibility in the handling of leavening time and provides better resistance to unexpected temperature variations. It will lend end products great volume, despite mechanical stress and vibrations, along with consistent soft-colored tint and long-lasting fragrance and freshness.

Product details

COD 01090039


Dosage: kg 0.7-1.5 of TARGET per 100 kg flour.
TARGET can be added to sponge and long fermenting doughs; in this case the optimum dosage should be determined through baking trials.
TARGET permit to obtain light coloured products.

Allergens / Contaminations


  • Cereals


  • Soybeans
  • Sesame

Technical Denomination

semifinished product for bread