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water g 700-800
eggs - at room temperature g 300


Whip all the ingredientsin a planetary mixer with the whisk attachment for 8-10 minutes at high speed.


water g 500-600
eggs - at room temperature g 600


Whip all the ingredientsin a planetary mixer with the whisk attachment for 8-10 minutes at high speed.

Final composition

Spread the whipped mixture evenly in a 0.5cm layer onto baking trays lined with parchment paper.

For each 60x40cm tray, we suggest to use:

- 400g of mixture for a thin rollè
- 500g of mixture for a standard rollè
- 600g of mixture for a thick rollè.

Bake in a deck oven for 6-7 minutes at 200-220°C (closed valve).

Let cool down for a few minutes, then cover with plastic sheets to avoid drying.

Refrigerate the rollè until you have to use it.


- For best results, we recommend to measured the doses out so that they are proportionate to the volume of bowl of the planetary mixer.

- Very cold temperature of eggs and water reduce the volume of the whipped mixture: if the eggs you use are pasteusized at about 5°C, it is important to extend the whipping.

- You can replace water with eggs to further improve the chararacteristic of softness and flavour of the end products.