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Special mix to make excellent croissants and brioche with quick direct method. Easy-to-use and perfect to obtain well-risen end products with nice flaky layers. You can unleash your creativity and customize the basic recipes by adding ingredients to your taste.

Product details

COD 01070069


temperatures and times below indicated can be varied according to actual room temperatures.In case of kneadings of more then 5 kg of CROISMART we suggest to reduce the quantity of yeast.
CROISMART__________________ 1000 g
yeast______________________ 50 g
water______________________ 450 g
sfoil margarine____________ 400 g

Blend CROISMART, yeast and water and knead well to a smooth paste; round up the dough and let rest for 10-15 minutes at room temperature(20-24°C).
Roll out the dough, put the margarine on its center, then fold the dough in order to envelope completely the margarine. Roll out the dough and fold it in three layers.Repeat the levelling and folding operations three times for a total of three folds for three.Let rest for 5 minutes.Levelt the dough about 4 mm thick and cut it in triangles.
Roll up tightly the triangles and place on pans, turning the ends to form the "croissant" shape.
Let raise in fermenting room for 80-90 minutes at 28-30°C and 70-80% relative humidity. Just before baking (which is best done if the dough is not fully leavened at its maximum), egg wash the proofed units. Bake at 180° C for about 18-20 minutes.
The "croissant" can be filled with jam just before rolling up the triangles. It is advisable, as up to date option, to fill the croissant with our special oven resistant dark chocolate small bars named "BARRETTE". Of course, the ends of the croissant cannot be turned to the classic shape.

PROC. TO FOLLOW FOR"BRIOCHE-VENEZIANE-COLOMBINE" =================================================
CROISMART__________________ 1000 g
cream margarine or butter__ 100 g
yeast______________________ 50 g
whole eggs_________________ 100 g
water______________________ 350 g
Knead to smooth dough, adding the water gradually. Round up and let rest for 20 minutes. The "basic dough" can now be used to produce many varieties of yeast leavened sweet goods as, for example, "BRIOCHE", "VENEZIANA", "COLOMBINE".
Scale the "basic dough" into units of 45 g and 10 g.
Round up the 45 g units and flatten them slightly, then round up the 10 g units and put them on the top of the former. Let raise in fermenting room for 60-80 minutes at 28-30°C and 80 % relative humidity.Eggs wash and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180-190°C.
Scale the "basic dough" into units about 55 g each, round up and proof for 60-80 minutes at 28-30°C and 80 % relative humidity. Egg wash the proofed units, spread a thin layer of "amaretto" frosting (BRIOBIG) on the surface, sprinkle with sugar granules (big size) and bake immediately at 180-190°C for 20-25 minutes.
Scale the "basic dough" into units about 60 g each,round up and let them rest for 10 minutes.Cut them in two pieces and make the classic shape of colomba.Proof units for 60-80 minutes at 28-30°C and 80% relative humidity.Prepare a syrop with about two parts of sugar and one part of water.Thicken the syrop with few flour and wash the colombine;sprinkl with sugar and dust with icing sugar. Bake for about 20 minutes at 180-190°C.

Allergens / Contaminations


  • Cereals
  • Eggs


  • Soybeans
  • Milk
  • Nuts
  • Sesame

Technical Denomination

semifinished product for bakery.