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water g 3300
unsalted butter 82% fat g 1000
yeast - brewer's g 20


-Start the dough with the DOLCE FORNO MAESTRO, the yeast and 3-4 of the water.
-When the dough is coming together add little by little the remaining water.
-Finish with the soften butter that shall be poured in 2-3 times.
-The temperature of the dough must be at 26-28°C.
-Let it rise at 20-22°C with relative humidity of 70% for about 12-14 hours, or if unprovided of the humidifier, cover the dough with a plastic cloth.

The dough should have quadrupled its volume.

-Put 250gr of the dough in 1L jug to be sure about its quadruplication.
-If the temperature of the first dough is more than 28°C, it is necessary to reduce the time of the first proof.


unsalted butter 82% fat - softened g 2000
egg yolk g 2400
caster sugar g 800
salt g 100
apple candied fruit Annurca g 4500
cinnamon powder g 120


-The following morning the dough shall be slightly flattened.
-Add to the dough the planned quantities of DOLCE FORNO MAESTRO.
-Add the sugar, the salt and a part of the egg yolk.
-Add the remaining yolk in twice.
-Mix well the butter with the cinnamon and add the mixture to the dough in four times.
-Lastly, add the candy apple.  
-Place in the leavening room at 28-30° for about an hour and a half
-Scale the dough into 400gr pieces, roll up and place on trays and let it rise for 10-15 minutes at 28-30°C.
-Shape the dough into loads and place in the yule log paper moulds (500gr)
-Place in the leavening room at 28-30°C with relative humidity at 70-80% for 3-4 hours until the top of the dough reaches 1 cm from the top of the mould.

Advice: if the leavening room is unprovided of the humidifier, cover the dough with plastic sheets.


water g 1000
melted butter - OR VEGETABLE OIL g 100


- Mix MANDORGLASS QUICK SP, water, melted butter or vegetable oil (sunflowers, peanuts, etc.) for a few minutes. 
Warning: the icing must be prepared at the time of use.



Final composition

-Once the leavening process is concluded, let the yule log pastries rest at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.
-Place a thin layer of glaze over the surface of the yule log and with the help of an angular spatula cover all the surface
-Sparkle with granulated sugar and icing sugar
-Bake at 160-165°C C for varying times based on the weight of the dough (about 25-30 minutes for 400g pieces) until it reaches a core temperature of 93-94°C.
-Once churned out from the oven, overturn the yule logs using the toothed racks.
-Let cool down the freshly baked yule logs upside down for a couple of hours before packing into the moplefan bags.

How to calculate the temperature of the water for the first dough:

If you are using a double arm mixer this is the right procedure. If you are using a spiral mixer, considering that it warms up the dough, lower the temperature at least of 5°C.
To obtain the right temperature, for example 26°C, follow this scheme:
It is mandatory to know and use 3 values:
1)The value of the room temperature
2)The value of the DOLCEFORNO temperature
-3)he value of the used mixer (double arm 15, spiral or planetary 20)

CALCULATION: final temperature 26°C x 3 (fixed number) = 78 – Value 1 (e.g. 20°C) – VALUE 2 (e.g. 20°C) – value 3 (e.g. 15) = 78-20-18-15 = 25. 25 should be the temperature of the first dough if using a double arm mixer.

Antonio Losito
Antonio Losito

Pastry Chef and Gelato Maker

Recipe created for you by Antonio Losito

DOLCEFORNO MAESTRO can be replaced with the DOLCEFORNO 
