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the savory pastries through miniatures prepared by our chefs

Difficulty level


eggs g 150
egg yolks g 200
egg whites g 300
g 100
almond flour g 280
type 00 white flour g 100
unsalted butter g 125
Pomodori HG Cesarin g 150
dextrose g 50
cornstarch g 50
dextrose g 80
salt g 8


Whip the eggs, egg yolks and 50 g of dextrose in a planetary mixer. Semi whip the egg whites with the 80 g of dextrose. In the meantime, sift the powders and melt the butter without heating it excessively. Gently incorporate the two egg foams, add the powders and finally the melted butter. Pour everything into a 60x40 pan and sprinkle with the "Cesarin" tomatoes. Cook the biscuit at 180° for about 12 minutes.


milk g 400
liquid cream g 400
Tuna g 200
salt g 1


Montare in planetaria la crema snack con il latte e la panna per circa 1 minuto. Nel frattempo frullare il tonno ed aggiungere alla crema di base


tomato purée g 250
gelatin powder or sheets 200 bloom g 6
extra virgin olive oil g 5
salt g 1


Heat a part of the tomato puree to dissolve the gelatine previously softened in cold water. Add to the remaining puree and season

Final composition

Place the biscuit cut to size in a steel frame and spread the first layer of tuna snack cream. Place another biscuit on the cream, applying light pressure and blast chilling. Spread another layer of tuna cream and cool. Strain the tomato jelly and blast chill. Cut 3cm x 3cm cubes.

Ciro Chiummo
Ciro Chiummo

Pastry Chef

Recipe created for you by Ciro Chiummo