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PANDORA g 1000
eggs g 150
fresh yeast g 60
water - at 20-24°C g 220
unsalted butter 82% fat g 100


Knead all the ingredient together with a kneading machine, until you obtain a velvet smooth dough.

Roll the dough tight in a ball shape and let rest for 25-30 minutes at room temperature.

Use a dough sheeter to roll the dough into a 7-8-mm thick layer and place it onto a slightly greased tray.

Let leaven in the proofer room at 28-30°C for 70-80 minutes.


eggs To Taste
unsalted butter 82% fat To Taste
caster sugar To Taste
Final composition

Brush the focaccia with the beaten eggs, sprinkle with sugar and gently press the surface with your fingers.

Evenly spread some butter shavings on top, then bake at 200-210°C for about 18 minutes.